Book a Reading

Natal Chart Reading

Elle will prepare a detailed natal chart report and meet one on one with you in a 50 minute video call.

The personalized report will include:

  • All 10 placements by sign and house (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

  • The North/South Nodes, Chiron, and The Angles (including your Rising sign)

You will receive all of the above in PDF format, PLUS a copy of your natal chart via email after your scheduled video call. Expect 1500+ words and 7-10 pages of material. The PDF will not cover basic astrology knowledge, such as the meaning of the planets or signs in general.

Please prepare up to 3 questions you would like to discuss in the video call. Suggested topics include work, relationships, or spirituality. Please note, my readings focus on astrology as a tool for self-understanding, acceptance, and personal growth. I do not use timing techniques or offer predictive astrology readings at this time.

The natal chart will be cast using the Tropical Zodiac and Whole Sign Houses. The chart will include Chiron, but no other minor bodies and no minor aspects. The date, time, and place of birth are required.

Elle will prepare a detailed big three report and meet one on one with you in a 30 minute video call. Ideal for an introduction to Astrology.

The personalized report will include:

  • Sun, Moon, and Rising placements by sign and house

  • Applicable general sign and house knowledge

You will receive all of the above in PDF format, PLUS a copy of your natal chart via email after your scheduled video call. Expect 400+ words and 3-5 pages of material.

Please prepare 1 question you would like to discuss in the video call. Suggested topics include identity and relationships. Please note, my readings focus on astrology as a tool for self-understanding, acceptance, and personal growth. I do not use timing techniques or offer predictive astrology readings at this time.

The natal chart will be cast using the Tropical Zodiac and Whole Sign Houses. The date, time, and place of birth are required.

Big Three Reading

Complete Numerology Reading

Kate will prepare a detailed numerology report and meet with you one on one for a 90 minute video call.

The personalized reading will include: 

  • Your ‘Main Four’ (Personality, Soul Urge, Expression, and Life Path numbers) 

  • General Knowledge about these numbers, their meanings, and their interactions

  • Your Full Expression Chart

  • Full chart of your Life Path Cycles

You will receive all of the above in PDF format. Expect 5-10 pages of material.

Your current full name, full birth name, birthdate, and birthplace are required in order to complete this report. Your birth time is optional, but encouraged.

If you wish to receive insight as to any relationships in your life (romantic or otherwise), please schedule two separate readings.

Main Four Reading

Kate will prepare a detailed numerology report and meet with you one on one for a 50 minute video call.

The personalized reading will include:

  • Your ‘Main Four’ (Personality, Soul Urge, Expression, and Life Path numbers)

  • General Knowledge about these numbers, their meanings, and their interactions

You will receive all of the above in PDF format. Expect 2-3 pages of material.

Your current full name, full birth name, birthdate, and birthplace are required in order to complete this report. Your birth time is optional, but encouraged.

If you wish to receive insight as to any relationships in your life (romantic or otherwise), please schedule two separate readings.

Tarot Reading

Kate will meet with you in 30 minute video call for a Tarot reading. One 30 minute session can contain up to two people, and will contain up to two Tarot spreads total. If you would like to book a longer session, please book an additional 30 minute session back to back and specify in the notes section that this was intentional.

You will not be required to provide any information regarding the subject of your tarot reading before or during the session.

If you are in the Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania area and would like to book an in-person reading, please specify this in the notes. Cost will vary based on travel time. If you would like to book an event that would be longer than two hours, please text or email us the details of your event and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.